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Corporate Responsibility Training Course Listing

  • Advanced IMDS

    Classroom & Live Virtual Training

    The growing concern regarding substance uses in products, its recycling or disposal has created a lot of legislations and global actions in the last years. Providing excellent quality material declaration data to your customers requires a thorough understanding of these regulations. Professionals must be prepared for the impact of these requirements on the future of their business. This course provides an extension of the IMDS Basic Concepts and Application course, to help you understand the regulations and anticipate their impact on your business. Additionally, students will receive hands on instruction on how to utilize IMDS' more complicated features, such as Chemistry Manager, Where Used Analysis, MDS Update and MDS Request. It is recommended that students first attend the IMDS Basic Concepts and Application course prior to attending this Advanced IMDS course or have equivalent experience.

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    Next Date: 5/26/2025

  • Course 1 - Regulations: Management and Compliance

    Webinar Training

    This one-hour training course provides participants with an introduction to global chemical regulations with a focus on managing the proliferation of global environmental regulations and the importance of developing compliance strategies from product design to end-of-vehicle life. This course is designed for individuals involved with activities that impact the company's environmental and product compliance such as product design, materials management, purchasing, and bringing product to market. This may include materials and product engineers, environmental and health staff, production, purchasing, quality, and sales staff. No prior knowledge of global environmental regulations is required.

    Approx. Run time: 55:27 minutes

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    Date: On Demand

  • Course 2 - Global Product Regulation Overview

    Webinar Training

    This 80 minute training course builds on course 1 providing participants with an overview of various global chemical regulations including a description of the regulation, how it applies to the automotive supplier or OEM, upcoming deadlines or actions, and important regulatory changes or activities. Regulations covered include: REACh, CLP, GHS, RoHS, EU Critical Material Re-use/Recycling, End-of-Life Vehicle Directive, TSCA, Frank-Dodd Act regarding Conflict Minerals, Canadian Challenge, Green House Gas, and Green Chemistry. This course is designed for individuals involved with activities that impact the company's environmental and product compliance such as product design, materials management, purchasing, and bringing product to market. This may include materials and product engineers, environmental and health staff, production, purchasing, quality and sales staff. No prior knowledge of global environmental regulations is required.

    Approx. Run time: 79:52 minutes

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    Date: On Demand

  • IMDS Basic Concepts and Application

    Classroom & Live Virtual Training

    This highly interactive one-day course is designed to improve materials management efficiency and effectiveness in your supply chain by leveraging the Global Materials Management Operations Guideline Logistics Evaluation (MMOG/LE). Now in its 6th generation format with several areas of improved, highly relevant content, Global MMOG/LE is the standard for supply chain management processes that reduces costs, errors, inventory, waste, and workload for suppliers and customers - all while increasing customer satisfaction. Upon completion of the class, students will understand how to: "State the benefits of MMOG/LE "Interpret the six chapters and key criteria "Conduct an effective assessment, including identifying gaps and preparing action plans "Report assessment results to management and customers "Navigate and complete the assessment in Additional Information for Live Virtual Students Participants are required to use a device capable of streaming content through

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    Next Date: 3/10/2025 to 3/11/2025

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